Tuesday, March 6, 2012

day 66 and cheap eats


Beef & Potato Salad with Smoky Chipotle

A lot of us are under the impression that eating healthy will cost us more......well, not really, we just have to rethink our shopping.  I found all these healthy recipes that are easy on the wallet too! A lot of shopping and eating healthy has to do with fresh ingredients as opposed to processed foods.


EatingWell Fish Sticks




Cheese-&-Spinach-Stuffed Portobellos

 A lot of what we are used to in the way of 'quick' food has to do with processed foods.  We grew up with a lot of 'convenient' foods like hamburger helper and mac and cheese in a box.  Those things certainly made life easier on everyone, but when you stop to think about what is actually in those so called 'convenient' foods, it gets a little depressing, the salt content alone is incredible per serving.  No one needs that much salt. So as we all transition to a healthier eating life style, we have to readjust our thinking about what is quick and easy food. As my grandma always said, everything in moderation. :o)


And something to think about while planning all our healthy and cheap dinners...


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