Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wishcasting Wednesday: What Do You Wish To Say No To?

Today is my third Wishcasting Wednesday. If you'd like to join this magical circle of dreamers and doers, please visit Jamie Ridler Studios

Today Jamie asks, what do you wish to say no to?

International Wolf Center, Ely MN

I wish to say no to being a wimp.

I wish to say no to not doing what I know I need to do to get where I want to be.

I wish to say no to doing what is safe.

I wish to say no to remaining in the same place, never trying anything new because I am comfortable there.

I wish to say no to the status quo because I can do more....

Happy Wishing!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Entertainment Center redo

So I have been wanting to redo the area for quite some time now. It was really dark and crowded, and although the living area is actually really big, it started to feel smaller with the big pieces of furniture.

Here is the before...

The big gigantor brown armoire and the icky chair the dog liked to sleep in. Notice the arrow, it is pointing to DUCT TAPE. Yup, the puppy tried to disembowel the lovely sea foam green chair.

Well, you'll all be happy to know that that lovely piece of furniture is no longer with us. Much to the disappointment of the dog. :o(

I 'inherited' my parents old entertainment center, which was a medium reddish brown. Not a color that went with ANYTHING in my house, so, after a quick trip to IKEA where we purchased two smaller bookcase type thingies, I decided to paint the entertainment center to match the bookcase thingies, which I decided to buy in a pale off white, hoping to lighten up that whole area.

Here is the entertainment center before....
tv redo 5

Unfortunately the flat screen did NOT come with the tv stand. Bummer.

So here is the same area now....
tv redo 2

Definitely makes the area lighter, brighter and more open. I still have to cover the wires and such, but not too bad for a hand me down. :o) But doesn't the tv look sooooooooooooo tiny?!?! When all debt is paid off, there will be a giant flat screen in it's place. And the stereo next to has a turn table...that actually plays record albums. Either I'm really old, or a dj..... ;o)

Eventually the idea is to put up a half wall behind the entertainment area. But for now, it is an improvement.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wishcasting Wednesday: What do you wish to enjoy?

Desktop Nexus: Wallpapers > Animal Wallpapers > Birds Wallpaper

Today is my second Wishcasting Wednesday. If you'd like to join this magical circle of dreamers and doers, please visit Jamie Ridler Studios.

This is a tough one for me today, as I've spent most of the day feeling sorry for myself....over the past three years I have really lost my ability to enjoy anything. So I am trying to climb back up to who I was before that...

But here goes...I wish to enjoy

-fresh hot popcorn at the movies
-listening to my dogs telling me about their day while I was gone at work (no really, they feel the need to tell me all about it)
-sitting and reading a good book in a freshly laundered bed that smells like lavender
-listening to the wind in the trees
-the sparkle the sun creates on the water at the lake
-a great song on a nice day played loudly while driving with the windows down (kinda like how my dogs seem to feel when they stick their heads out the window.)
-learning something new just because, like belly dancing ;o)


There, that's a good start I think. As someone said to me recently, we are so busy with our lives, we really don't take the time to actually SEE the world around us.

Happy Wishing!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Alpine Lake  Gunnison National Forest  ColoradoMy Wallpaper Heaven

"Very good news is coming your way today, and you need to find another person to share it with! It doesn't matter whether this person totally understands the magnitude of your relief or happiness -- what matters is that this person knows how to have fun. Celebrations like this call for creativity, and although you have tons of that, you need a collaborator. Think of the friend you can always have a good time with; then call her or him up and make plans for tonight!"

This was my horoscope for today. So far all the news today has been pretty crappy, so I think I'll hold off on the celebrations. No relief, no happiness, nada. SIGH. Just more of the same old crapola. I know I have to change things myself if I expect to change my circumstance, but on days like today, I'd just rather crawl under the covers and ignore the existence of the outside world for just a little while.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Motivational Monday


Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
Henry David Thoreau

Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now.
Denis Waitley


If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.
Jim Rohn

Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.
Wayne Dyer

Blogger background 1
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
Tony Robbins

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wishcasting Wednesday: What do you wish to choose?

Today is my first Wishcasting Wednesday. If you'd like to join this magical circle of dreamers and doers, please visit Jamie Ridler Studios.

What do you wish to choose?

I wish to choose happiness. Life will always be full of ups and downs, I want to choose happiness whichever side of the see saw I am on. Nothing and no one is perfect, but if you approach everyone and everything with kindness, more of that will come back to you.

I have over the years practiced verbalizing my gratitude for the kindness of others. It sounds simple, but always saying please, and thank you, really acknowledging another person for doing what they do for you because they love you, helps to remind them that you love them back. And it is always nice to know that you are appreciated. We so often take those closest to us for granted and forget to appreciate them for being there for us. Please and thank you, tiny little words that carry a big sentiment. Feel free to spread them around as much as you feel comfortable with. It's just good Karma to take a second to let someone know that you truly appreciate them and all they do. By being kind to others as well as yourself, you up your happiness quotient exponentially.

“There is only one cause of unhappiness: the false beliefs you have in your head, beliefs so widespread, so commonly held, that it never occurs to you to question them.” Anthony de Mello

No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change.
- Barbara de Angelis

Wishing everyone whatever you wish for yourself!